Despicable Me….Wow!

I don’t have time to really write a review of this movie, but it really stands out as my new favorite animated movie. It is probably the best and most surprising movie that I have watched all year. But then again I went into it with pretty low expectations. All I wanted to do was go and laugh at something for 90 minutes.

But I will say two things:

  1. Gru is AWESOME!
  2. This movie, in my opinion, is a must see.

But I did have one tiny tiny complaint about the movie, there was one part of the movie where I wished they made it longer, in order to further express Gru’s level of awesome.

Ok, back to school work.

2 Responses to “Despicable Me….Wow!”

  1. I blame the fluoride in the water.Hitler used it…as well as Stalin to curb the masses….to keep them calm, no matter what happens to them.Main ingredient in most anti- depressants…. hmmm

  2. Ah, ma tu hai cambiato i colori… ;)Grazie per aver segnalato il progetto e per avervi partecipato… ;)Sta prendendo sempre più piede… Ho avuto altre adesioni anche se adesso mi fermerò un po' perché altrimenti finisce che non faccio più foto mie ma mi riduco a sistemare quelle degli altri 😉

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