Archive for the ‘Politics etc’ Category

RJ on Michael Jackson’s Death

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Jeez this sucks, I just heard that Michael Jackson died today (well yesterday actually but the 15 hour time difference here kind of makes things weird). I don’t know if people go to a better place when they die or not but I would take the void over the last few years of his life. The media never left him alone, until he moved to Bahrain that is. Poor guy.

Although I hate how the media had to comment about everything he did, I must admit that some small part of me will miss hearing about the strange things he is doing. Oh well what can you do.

But the worst part of this is that he won’t be making anymore music. I had sort of assumed that he was done making new music, that is until I heard about the tours that he had scheduled, but now it is a much more permanent situation. But it was really obvious that his music was his life and that is over now.

Well Mr. Jackson, safe travels on your journey, wherever it leads you.

Peace out……

PETA Sex Crazed Vegetarians? RJ thinks so

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

So after seeing that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was pissed about President Obama’s fly killing ninja swat I decided to do a search on PETA. This decision was mostly because I had forgotten what the E in PETA stood for. But I was very surprised at what I found. I have added the pictures below.


peta_charlotte_ross_h sadiefrost_peta

PETA-jendea-2007070517521909hg2 spice-up-your-life-go-veggie

Yes those are boobs. When I look at a picture of Maggie Q using chili peppers to cover her Vajayjay I do not think about going vegetarian but seemingly PETA does. In case you haven’t noticed it seems that PETA’s main audience is 18-35 year old men. Most of these men who look at these pictures will not think about going vegetarian or not wearing fur (Do men even wear fur? I am not sure but I don’t think so). So I must conclude that PETA just loves naked women.

Oh the one with the boobs and the bull horns is PETA protesting the bullfighting crap. I don’t know how that was supposed to work. If I hear that naked women are somewhere I will go! And then I’d think “hmm bullfighting, that sounds interesting…..”

But this last picture I cannot understand. I just found the picture and there was nothing to explain it and I can’t even begin to guess.


WTF? What does a naked pregnant lady have to do with going vegetarian? But the most messed up and somewhat funny part of this picture is this. Here is a naked pregnant lady and there are TWO little kids just staring. What is going on? I am soooo confused by this.

I can understand trying to get attention with hot women, although I disagree with using naked women to promote making any life changes. But when I look at this naked pregnant lady I wonder what the hell they were thinking. And then going further, since this picture was from last year, I believe, I wonder what kind of mother this lady is to her child. but whatever, I just thought I would share my surprising finds with whoever feels like reading this junk.

If you like naked ladies you will probably like being vegetarian? hmm I don’t think so.

But going past my interest in looking at ads with scantily clad women and all jokes aside. I really must say that I don’t like how PETA is contributing to our culture’s objectification and demeaning of women. I think that they should find better ways of getting their point across. But I guess if you look at the history of the organization they have always focused more on women. I think that is odd.

edit 4:14Pm Taiwan time after you look at that link you will find that PETA really has no respect for women in any way shape or form. hmm… I think I’ll keep eating meat.

Whatever that’s all folks Peace!

RJ on President Obama’s Catlike Reflexes

Friday, June 19th, 2009

The other day my girlfriend was telling me about President Obama killing a fly during an interview. At first I said whatever who cares. But then the next morning I thought “I hate flies” so I watched it and quite frankly I was amazed.

President Obama was sitting there and then he slapped the top of his hand and BAM! the fly was dead.  He looked down and said something about how impressive it was and then asked “you want to film that?” and they did. It was actually quite amazing. But then I got this spam message in my  inbox with the subject “Obama Sued for Speech.” Then the gears got to working in my brain and I thought what if someone was offended by President Obama’s fly killing ninja swat. There are so many organizations who hate animal cruelty and what not. Not to mention hardcore Buddhists.

But then a lot of people don’t really consider flies to be animals. They are bugs but I don’t know. I kill flies whenever possible but I am not the president of the United States and do not represent a country or group with such diverse beliefs and cultures. I think that President Obama should be a little more careful about his actions. Someone in his position should never show pride in killing anything, not even a fly.

edit 2:42AM Taiwan time

Oh Shiz dudes! I was right! look at this link! PETA is pissed! click here!

That’s all folks! goodbye!