PETA Sex Crazed Vegetarians? RJ thinks so

So after seeing that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was pissed about President Obama’s fly killing ninja swat I decided to do a search on PETA. This decision was mostly because I had forgotten what the E in PETA stood for. But I was very surprised at what I found. I have added the pictures below.


peta_charlotte_ross_h sadiefrost_peta

PETA-jendea-2007070517521909hg2 spice-up-your-life-go-veggie

Yes those are boobs. When I look at a picture of Maggie Q using chili peppers to cover her Vajayjay I do not think about going vegetarian but seemingly PETA does. In case you haven’t noticed it seems that PETA’s main audience is 18-35 year old men. Most of these men who look at these pictures will not think about going vegetarian or not wearing fur (Do men even wear fur? I am not sure but I don’t think so). So I must conclude that PETA just loves naked women.

Oh the one with the boobs and the bull horns is PETA protesting the bullfighting crap. I don’t know how that was supposed to work. If I hear that naked women are somewhere I will go! And then I’d think “hmm bullfighting, that sounds interesting…..”

But this last picture I cannot understand. I just found the picture and there was nothing to explain it and I can’t even begin to guess.


WTF? What does a naked pregnant lady have to do with going vegetarian? But the most messed up and somewhat funny part of this picture is this. Here is a naked pregnant lady and there are TWO little kids just staring. What is going on? I am soooo confused by this.

I can understand trying to get attention with hot women, although I disagree with using naked women to promote making any life changes. But when I look at this naked pregnant lady I wonder what the hell they were thinking. And then going further, since this picture was from last year, I believe, I wonder what kind of mother this lady is to her child. but whatever, I just thought I would share my surprising finds with whoever feels like reading this junk.

If you like naked ladies you will probably like being vegetarian? hmm I don’t think so.

But going past my interest in looking at ads with scantily clad women and all jokes aside. I really must say that I don’t like how PETA is contributing to our culture’s objectification and demeaning of women. I think that they should find better ways of getting their point across. But I guess if you look at the history of the organization they have always focused more on women. I think that is odd.

edit 4:14Pm Taiwan time after you look at that link you will find that PETA really has no respect for women in any way shape or form. hmm… I think I’ll keep eating meat.

Whatever that’s all folks Peace!

2 Responses to “PETA Sex Crazed Vegetarians? RJ thinks so”

  1. I always support the cause of PETA.-*’

  2. RJ says:

    The problem with PETA is that they try to further their agenda by treating women like pieces of meat, which is basically what I was trying to say with this blog post.

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