Chicken Sausage

You know what I’ve never heard? I’ve never heard of anyone saying “You know, I hate sausage, I am really in the mood for some CHICKEN Sausage.”

So I am left to think that the real market, or at least a large portion of it,  for Chicken Sausage are those people who for one reason or another either can’t eat or choose not to eat pork.

I am one of those people. But guess what? we still cannot eat Chicken Sausage. Why do you ask? Because this Chicken Sausage, in almost all cases, has a pork casing.

this pork casing is made out of, you guessed it, pork! So since I am allergic to pork I cannot eat Chicken Sausage.

Gah the Chicken Sausage should really be labelled “Chicken Sausage with Pork on the outside.”

In my humble opinion Chicken Sausage is a good idea executed badly.  And no I have no idea what to use as a case for these sausages. That’s someone else’s job!

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